On the Subject of Inselectables

Я твой слуга, я твой работник.

The module consists of eight lettered buttons and a 'GO' button. However, the highlights of the lettered buttons don’t match up! Find the offset of the highlights from the buttons, find the letters that always appear on every cycle of letters, and submit those letters as your solution.

Finding the true letters

Each button you highlight over will create a ring over a different button, colored either pink or yellow.

If the button you highlight creates a pink ring, count that many buttons clockwise from the button. Add the distance of the pink highlight to the letter of the button you are selecting. If you go beyond 'Z', wrap to the beginning of the alphabet.

If the button you highlight creates a yellow ring, count that many buttons counter-clockwise from the button. Subtract the distance of the yellow highlight from the letter of the button you are selecting. If you go beyond 'A', wrap to the end of the alphabet.

Every time you tap the 'GO' button, a new set of letters will cycle in. Three specific letters will always appear on every new cycle. There are also four different decoy letters that appear on most of the cycles, but not all of them.

Submitting the answer

Begin by holding down the 'GO' button. A tune will start to play, and the letters will start to turn cyan. When the tune finishes, a new set of letters will appear.

To select the three letters, you must press the buttons that highlight over those letters, not the letters themselves. If you wish to remove a selected letter, simply click the button again.

To submit your answer, hold the 'GO' button down again. Another tune will start to play, and the letters will start to turn blue. If the three letters that you highlighted match the letters that appeared in every previous cycle, the module will disarm.

Submitting an answer with the wrong number of letters or wrong set of letters will incur a strike, the module will reset, and a new set of letters must be determined.